European heat pump market.

According to European Heat Pump Association (EHPA), European heat pump market grew for the third consecutive year in 2015.
According to EHPA, European heat pump market grew for the third consecutive year in 2015. In 2015, heat pump sales in Europe have reached the highest number ever recorded: 890,302 units. Year-over-year, 12% more heat pumps were sold in the 21 European countries covered by this year’s EHPA report. In terms of sales volume, Spain was the leader (27,679), followed by Italy (+20,182) and France (+15,727).

Assuming a useful life of 20 years, the stock of heat pumps installed at the end of 2015 was 8.4 million units. With approximately 120 million residential buildings in Europe, the heat pump market share in the building stock is 7%.This whole stock saved 120.73 TWh of final and 56.79 TWh of primary energy. It represents 25.36 millions of tons of CO2 emissions saved. This is almost the amount of CO2 emitted by Croatia in 2010.

Employment in the heat pump sector represented about 48,000 jobs in 2015, including 17,000 in heat pump manufacturing, 15,000 in heap pump installing, 9,000 in component manufacturing and 8,000 in service and maintenance.

EHPA European heat pump market and statistics report

The IIR members benefit from a -10% discount on the European heat pump market and statistics report 2016.