Heat pump benefits

Energy saved and CO2 emissions avoided in 2015 by using heat pumps (EHPA European heat pump market and statistics report 2016)
•    Energy saved  in 2015
All heat pumps installed in 2015 have saved 11.61 TWh of final and 5.19 TWh of primary energy. The stock of heat pump units in operation across Europe by 2015 saved 120.73 TWh of final and 56.79 TWh of primary energy. For comparison, in 2012, Germant produced 46 TWh of electricity from wind.

CO2 emissions avoided in 2015
Generating energy from fossil fuels creates CO2 emissions. Hence, if heat pumps can save energy, they also save emissions. Based on the sales volume 2015, 2.32 millions of tons of CO2 emissions were avoided. The whole stock of installed heat pumps saved 25.36 millions of tons of CO2 emissions. This is almost the amount of CO2 emitted by Croatia in 2010 (20.9 millions of tons).

Source: EHPA European heat pump market and statistics report 2016

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