IIR National Committees: Discover the new bureau of the US National Committee
Following the February 2025 meeting of the USNC/IIR committee meeting, find out more about the new bureau and their activities.
As part of IIR’s 2024-2028 strategy plan, the IIR is committed to be the leading independent and authoritative voice supporting countries on issues and opportunities regarding refrigeration.
To achieve this goal, national committees (NCs) are key actors to assess the opportunities and challenges of the sector at a national level, advise government and enhance their understanding of regional regulations, while identifying pathways to integrate comprehensive actions to achieve their NDCs.
Initially founded in 1956/57, the US national committee (USNC/IIR) has been active ever since.
For 2024-2028, the USNC/IIR officers are:
- Chairman: Yunho Hwang (University of Maryland)
- Vice-chair: Stefan Elbel (Creative Thermal Solution and TU Berlin)
- Secretary: Harshad Inamdar (Rheem Manufacturing Company)
- Treasurer: Davide Ziviani (Purdue University)
- Webmaster: Hanlong Wan (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory) (continuing officer)
- Membership: Harrison Skye (NIST)
The USNC/IIR is organised and operated for the exclusive purpose of advancing the arts and sciences of refrigeration, air conditioning, cryogenic activities, and the allied arts and sciences. The specific objectives of the USNC/IIR include the following:
- To effectively appropriate United States participation in the work of the International Institute of Refrigeration (IIR), pursuant to the following scientific and educational objectives of the IIR with respect to refrigeration, air conditioning, cryogenic activities, food chain and allied arts and sciences, for the benefit of the general public.
- To serve as a focal point in all matters concerning United States participation in the IIR with respect to the objectives set forth in this section, and to advise international organisations, governmental agencies, professional societies and interested members of the general public on matters pertaining to the science and technology of refrigeration, air conditioning and cryogenic activities.
- To promote research on the scientific, technological and engineering aspects of refrigeration, air conditioning and cryogenic activities in the United States with particular reference to those aspects which call for international cooperation.
- To foster international cooperation in research on the scientific, technological and engineering aspects of refrigeration, air conditioning and cryogenic activities in less developed countries.
- To nominate persons to serve as Commission Members and Officers in the IIR and to elect delegates to the General Conference and to other meetings called by the IIR.
- To provide information and guidance for delegates to the meetings called by the IIR.
- To facilitate and organise scientific meetings, workshops and congresses in consonance with the objectives of the IIR.
Find out more on the dedicated webpage.