IIR website: most downloaded publications in 2023

Discover the three most popular IIR publications of 2023. The focus is on the carbon footprint of the cold chain and cold rooms! 

The FRIDOC  database contains over 110,000 bibliographic references and more than 40,000 downloadable documents. Many of these are free to IIR members when published by the IIR. 

With over 5,000 downloads in 2023, Informatory Notes remain the IIR's most popular publications. They account for 28% of our downloads. 


These are synthetic and accurate documents, written by IIR experts. The topics covered are varied and reflect current knowledge in the field of refrigeration. Informatory Notes are freely available to IIR members as soon as they are published, and in open access six months after publication. A summary for decision-makers is systematically published in open access. All Informatory Notes are available in the "Publications" section of the website, or via this link.


Here are the three most downloaded Informatory Notes in 2023:   


Cover of the Informatory Note on the Carbon footprint of the cold chainThe Carbon Footprint of the Cold Chain

According to our estimates, 12% of food produced globally was lost in 2017 due to a poor cold chain. The note presents a comparison between the current cold chain and an improved cold chain. The results of our calculations indicate that a reduction of almost 50% in CO2 emissions could be achieved by bringing the cold chain in all countries to the same level of equipment and performance as that existing in developed countries. See in FRIDOC






Cover of the Note on the role of refrigeration in the economyThe role of refrigeration in the global economy

Published in 2019, it highlights the importance of the refrigeration, air conditioning and heat pump sector in economic, social and environmental terms. The importance of the refrigeration economy is expected to increase even further in the coming years due to the strong growth in the need for refrigeration in many areas and to global warming. Since 2019, the United Nations has made refrigeration a global priority. See in FRIDOC







Caloric cooling technologies


This note, published in December 2022 introduces the principles, characteristics, performance, and application prospects of three major caloric cooling technologies, i.e., magnetocaloric (MC), electrocaloric (EC), and elastocaloric (eC). See in FRIDOC








Nota bene: 

Cover of the guide

This year, books are in the spotlight in the IIR's best downloads list. The IIR has co-published a guide entitled WALK-IN COLD ROOMS, A PRACTITIONER'S TECHNICAL GUIDE - Design and Operation of Walk-In Cold Rooms for Precooling and Storage of Fresh Produce in Hot Climates, in Off-Grid and Unreliable Grid Situations.

This guide aims to provide accessible and practical guidance to enable developers, owners, operators and suppliers to specify, install and operate effective and appropriate precoolers and cold rooms that are as economically viable as possible in off-grid, unreliable and limited power supply situations, relying on distributed renewable energy sources and energy storage.

Success was immediate. Downloaded more than 400 times in the month of its publication in December, it ranked as the second best download of the year (second to the note on the carbon footprint of the cold chain). A summary is available and has been downloaded 194 times. The book is open access and was published in partnership with Efficiency for Access and ESMAP. See in FRIDOC