Los Angeles grants new discounts on energy-efficient air conditioners

The Los Angeles Department of Water and Power offers low-income customers rebates on energy-efficient air conditioners.

Los Angeles has almost 20 days a year with an average heat index of 32°C, with peaks of up 45°C in recent years. According to a recent report, the economic impact of heat and humidity amounts to almost USD 5 billion per year due to reduced worker productivity, which is nearly half of the city’s annual budget.[1]


Since September 2022, the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (DWP) has been offering a 225 USD rebate on energy-efficient air conditioners for low-income customers.[2] This rebate covers about 80% of the cost of a small window air conditioner. Moreover, a new billing program allows customers to spread their payments over 12 months. The discounts and payment facilities apply to both tenants and owners. These incentives are part of the “Cool LA” program announced in July.[2, 3]


Nearly 300 air conditioner units are eligible for the rebate. Roughly 237,000 Angelenos may qualify for the program, and LADWP will be partnering with community-based organizations to raise awareness of Cool LA and help increase program participation.


This financial support applies only to new air conditioners that meet the DWP efficiency requirements. The models are listed on a dedicated website which indicates the energy efficiency score along with a simulator of the savings compared with a standard efficiency model. The energy efficiency score of the air conditioners (from 0 to 100) is calculated based on performance per power consumption. Customers are encouraged to purchase appliances with a high energy efficiency score.


Screenshot from the LADWP marketplace website.




[1] Hot Cities, Chilled Economies. Los Angeles, United States. https://onebillionresilient.org/hot-cities-chilled-economies-los-angeles/

[2] https://www.lamayor.org/mayor-garcetti-announces-new-air-conditioner-rebates-ladwp-customers

[3] https://www.latimes.com/environment/story/2022-09-16/dwp-rebates-for-air-conditioners-how-to-apply

Image credits: https://pixabay.com/fr/photos/los-angeles-etats-unis-californie-4313327/