Philippe Lebrun received the Mendelssohn Award.

Philippe Lebrun, President of the IIR’s General Conference, received the prestigious Mendelssohn Award conferred by the International Cryogenic Engineering Committee on March 11, 2016.
Philippe Lebrun, President of the IIR’s General Conference, received the prestigious Mendelssohn Award conferred by the International Cryogenic Engineering Committee during the ICEC26 conference in Delhi, India, on March 11, 2016.

This award is a recognition by the international scientific community of the outstanding contribution by the CERN cryogenics group to the design, construction and operation of high-energy accelerators  and associated large detectors using cryogenics and superconductivity.

On this occasion, Philippe Lebrun delivered the (invited) award lecture “Cryogenics for high-energy accelerators: highlights from the first fifty years”, the write-up of which is attached.