Walk-in cold rooms: webinar replay and slides now available

Thank you for taking part in our second webinar! You can now download the slides and watch the replay on the IIR YouTube channel. Furthermore, the overview guide is also available in French. 

On June 11, 2024, experts who participated in the drafting of the “Walk-In Cold Rooms: A Practitioner’s Technical Guide”, were brought together by the IIR for the second webinar in this series.  


Giovanni Cortella (University of Udine), Bas Hetterscheid (Wageningen University & Research), Jeremy Tait (Tait Consulting GmbH) and Victor Torres Toledo (Solar Cooling Engineering GmbH) presented an overview of best practices concerning the design and sizing of cooling and power equipment, aimed in particular at suppliers, designers and contractors. 


75 people joined the event live from all over the word (India, Malaysia, Colombia, etc.) and were able to ask questions to our experts. 


A recording of the webinar is available on our YouTube channel. 




The French interpretation is available via this Zoom link.

Please select "français" on the globle icon at the bottom.


The slides are available for download here.


Good news! The overview of the “Walk-In Cold Rooms: A Practitioner’s Technical Guide” has been translated into French.