Worldwide refrigerant recycling and recovery

A recent AHRI report reviews and evaluates refrigerant management and recycling programs in seven primary jurisdictions: Australia, Canada, California, the European Union, Japan, the UK and the United States.
The report observes that many different regulations and programs exist to abate refrigerant emissions and promote refrigerant recycling but measuring the enforcement rigor and effectiveness is difficult. Some countries, such as Australia, Japan and the EU, rely on robust regulatory frameworks that control refrigerant from cradle to grave. Others, such as Canada and the US, pair voluntary programs with less comprehensive regulations.

Amongst this report’s findings, Japan is noted as destroying the highest tonnage of refrigerants per year, destroying more refrigerant than most other programs have since their inception. Japan has also seen a 1.8x increase in annual refrigerant recovered from commercial equipment since 2006.As the only authorized product stewardship scheme,

Refrigerant Reclaim Australia(RRA)recovers between 35% and 61% of refrigerant, which is almost all destroyed.

The UK is seen to have the highest reported rate of recovery with estimates of 65-92% depending on end-use.