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193 results
IIR document
Experimental investigation and new correlation for the bubble departure diameter of methane and ethane binary mixtures during nucleate pool boiling.
Argon-oxygen mixtures for Joule-Thomson cryocooling at elevated altitude.
Cooling characterization of conceptual Joule-Thomson cryogenic cooler.
Investigation of ejector-equipped Joule–Thomson refrigerator operating below 77 K.
Hampson’s type cryocoolers with distributed Joule-Thomson effect for mixed refrigerants closed cycle.
The full range Joule-Thomson inversion curve of helium-3.
Numerical analysis of clogging dynamics in micromachined Joule–Thomson coolers.
Design of closed-loop mixed refrigerant Joule-Thomson cryosurgical probe with precooling stage.
Recommended by the IIR / IIR document
Operating mode of Joule–Thomson microchannel argon cryoprobe for precision cryoablation.
A micromachined Joule-Thomson cryogenic cooler with parallel two-stage expansion.
A strategy to optimize the charge amount of the mixed refrigerant for the Joule-Thomson cooler.
Design of non-flammable mixed-refrigerants Joule-Thomson refrigerator below -100℃.
Thermodynamic optimization of the recuperative heat exchanger for Joule-Thomson cryocoolers using response surface methodology.
A numerical cool-down analysis for Dewar-detector assemblies cooled with Joule-Thomson cryocoolers.
Regulation of the interaction of heat exchange and throttling effect for a Joule-Thomson cooler with rectangular microchannels.
Refrigeration sector monitoring
2 results
Modern cryosurgical techniques and devices
Since the 80’s, device miniaturization makes it possible to introduce endoscopic cryoprobes through natural channels (bronchia, urethra…) without requiring traditional surgery.
ICR2011 highlights: micro-refrigeration development
Micro-refrigeration development was one of the important themes of the IIR Congress in Prague.