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IIR document
An improved approach to model compressors, condenser/gas cooler and their control system in refrigeration systems with R404A and R744 based on physical principles.
Gro?e Auswahl, wenig Alternativen? Ersatzkältemittel für R404A-Kältesysteme in Supermärkten.
Many choices, few alternatives? Alternative refrigerants for R404A systems in supermarkets.
Experimental investigation on condensation heat transfer of R404A and R407C outside horizontal enhanced tubes.
R-407H as drop-in of R-404A. Experimental analysis in a low temperature direct expansion commercial refrigeration system.
Estudio de campo para comparar 4 refrigerantes en la misma instalación R507, R407A, R407F, R442A, para baja temperatura de evaporación (-30°C).
Field study to compare four refrigerants R507, R407A, R407F, R442A in the same low-temperature (-30°C) evaporation installation.
Retrofitting of R404a commercial refrigeration systems using R410a and R407f refrigerants.
Laboratory evaluation of R407H for commercial refrigeration.
The evaluation of low GWP non-flammable refrigerant R407H for refrigeration as R404A alternative.
F-Gases EU Regulation: R404A replacement refrigerants – compressor manufacturer experience.
Mezclas HFC/HFO para sustituir al R404A en refrigeración comercial.
HFC/HFO mixtures to substitute R404a in commercial refrigeration.
Scambio termico di miscele refrigenranti a basso GWP come possibili alternative a R404A.
Heat exchange of low GWP refrigerant mixtures as a possible alternative to R404A.
Ensayos de nuevas alternativas de bajo GWP al R-404A para refrigeración comercial.
Tests for new low-GWP R-404A alternatives in commercial cooling.
Prestazioni impiaoto frigorifero di un supermercato, con R-449A in confronto al R-404A.
Results from supermarket refrigerating system trial with R-449A in comparison with R-404A.
Análisis teórico de sustitutos de bajo PCA en R404A para islas de refrigeración.
Theoretical analysis of R404A substitutes with low GWP for cooling islands.
Análisis de R-452A como alternativa al R-404A en sistemas de compresión de vapor.
Analysis of R-452A as an alternative to R-404A in vapour compression systems.
Refrigeration sector monitoring
3 results
Air conditioning: which refrigerant will become the leading alternative to R410A?
R32 is being adopted widely for residential and small commercial air conditioning applications, but R466A, R452B and R454B are promising candidates, especially for larger size systems.
Air conditioning: towards a relaxation of the rules for the use of flammable refrigerants
While the European Commission is paving the way for the use of flammable refrigerants as an alternative for split systems, the current revision of the international standard IEC 60335-2-40 should allow higher...
Gas leak detection technologies
Bacharach, a manufacturer of refrigerant and gas leak detectors, recently extended its gas detectors by two HFOs. The company also produces leak detectors for CO2 systems.
Encyclopedia of Refrigeration
1 result
Global warming potential (GWP) of HFC refrigerants
Using the latest updated data from UNEP’s RTOC 2022 report, we have compiled the 100-year GWP and 20-year GWP values of hydrofluorocarbon-based (HFC) refrigerants. Our table includes...