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IIR document
An improved approach to model compressors, condenser/gas cooler and their control system in refrigeration systems with R404A and R744 based on physical principles.
Gro?e Auswahl, wenig Alternativen? Ersatzkältemittel für R404A-Kältesysteme in Supermärkten.
Many choices, few alternatives? Alternative refrigerants for R404A systems in supermarkets.
Experimental investigation on condensation heat transfer of R404A and R407C outside horizontal enhanced tubes.
R-407H as drop-in of R-404A. Experimental analysis in a low temperature direct expansion commercial refrigeration system.
Estudio de campo para comparar 4 refrigerantes en la misma instalación R507, R407A, R407F, R442A, para baja temperatura de evaporación (-30°C).
Field study to compare four refrigerants R507, R407A, R407F, R442A in the same low-temperature (-30°C) evaporation installation.
Retrofitting of R404a commercial refrigeration systems using R410a and R407f refrigerants.
Laboratory evaluation of R407H for commercial refrigeration.
The evaluation of low GWP non-flammable refrigerant R407H for refrigeration as R404A alternative.
F-Gases EU Regulation: R404A replacement refrigerants – compressor manufacturer experience.
Mezclas HFC/HFO para sustituir al R404A en refrigeración comercial.
HFC/HFO mixtures to substitute R404a in commercial refrigeration.
Scambio termico di miscele refrigenranti a basso GWP come possibili alternative a R404A.
Heat exchange of low GWP refrigerant mixtures as a possible alternative to R404A.
Ensayos de nuevas alternativas de bajo GWP al R-404A para refrigeración comercial.
Tests for new low-GWP R-404A alternatives in commercial cooling.
Prestazioni impiaoto frigorifero di un supermercato, con R-449A in confronto al R-404A.
Results from supermarket refrigerating system trial with R-449A in comparison with R-404A.
Análisis teórico de sustitutos de bajo PCA en R404A para islas de refrigeración.
Theoretical analysis of R404A substitutes with low GWP for cooling islands.
Análisis de R-452A como alternativa al R-404A en sistemas de compresión de vapor.
Analysis of R-452A as an alternative to R-404A in vapour compression systems.
Encyclopedia of Refrigeration
1 result
Global warming potential (GWP) of HFC refrigerants
Using the latest updated data from UNEP’s RTOC 2022 report, we have compiled the 100-year GWP and 20-year GWP values of hydrofluorocarbon-based (HFC) refrigerants. Our table includes...