IIR document

A comparison of the ASHRAE secondary HVAC toolkit detailed and simple cooling coil models with manufacturers' data.


Modelling a complete HVAC system requires a detailed knowledge of the system component performance. One of the main components of the HVAC system is the air handling unit (AHU), the essence of which is the cooling coil, a complex component to model. The HVAC secondary toolkit, developed by ASHRAE, presents two cooling and dehumidifying coil models; detailed (CCDET) and simple (CCSIM). The CCDET model is suitable for coils for which detailed geometrical data are available, whereas the CCSIM model calculates coil performance based on the coil properties at its rating point. Data necessary for determining coil geometry have been collected from several manufacturers' catalogues. In addition, some manufacturers also publish the coil characteristics at the rating point, but these data are very limited and cover only a few coils from the whole product range. When available, these data are compared to the CCDET model outputs calculated for the same inputs stated in the manufacturer catalogue. The CCSIM model uses CCDET outputs at the rating point for coil performance calculations. The paper compares the outputs from these two models over the whole range of input variables (mass flow rates, entering temperatures and humidity ratios). Some manufacturers also provide coil selection software which calculates the coil performance at different operating conditions. This paper also compares the outputs from the CCDET coil model using manufacturers' geometrical data with CCSIM coil model outputs, hence providing practical guidance regarding the choice of an appropriate level of modelling when carrying out AHU simulations.

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  • Original title: A comparison of the ASHRAE secondary HVAC toolkit detailed and simple cooling coil models with manufacturers' data.
  • Record ID : 2009-1745
  • Languages: English
  • Source: HVAC Energy Efficiency Best Practice Conference
  • Publication date: 2008/09/18


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