A knowledge-aided design system for energy-efficient buildings.

Author(s) : MAYER R., DEGELMAN L. O., SU C. J., et al.


Knowledge-aided design is an approach that employs the framework of a knowledge-based system to provide assistance to the designer's decision-making processes in a way similar to that provided by a knowledgeable human assistant. In the knowledge-aided design environment (KADE), the assistance includes support of routine design activities as well as knowledgeable assessment and recommendations relative to the energy efficiency of the evolving design. The KADE is a hybrid system containing data base components, knowledge-based subsystems, and traditional engineering analytical tools. The KADE system, as currently being developed, will provide advice relative to design parameters for energy-efficient building envelopes, energy-efficient lighting, solar control, and other climatic parameters.


  • Original title: A knowledge-aided design system for energy-efficient buildings.
  • Record ID : 1993-1011
  • Languages: English
  • Publication date: 1991
  • Source: Source: ASHRAE Trans.
    vol. 97; n. 2; 479-494; 12 fig.; 44 ref.
  • Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.