Achieving thermal comfort with radiant cooling systems in tropical climate: the case of southern part of Thailand.

Postizanje termalnog komfora implementacijom rashladnog sistema zracenjem u uslovima tropske klime: slucaj južnog Tajlanda.

Number: 65

Author(s) : TAWEEKUN J., MEDOJEVIC M., PERIC M., et al.


The present study analyzes radiant cooling system with respect to final energy consumption and thermal comfort in an experimental room of Low Energy House, situated at Prince of Songkla University campus in Hat Yai. The results highlight the issue of proper control of radiant system in order to take full advantage of its specific features and of the appropriate evaluation of thermal comfort conditions provided by that system. In addition, the aim of this paper is to validate the results obtained during the measurement of physical model with the simulation of the same object defined in the Energyplus software. The data from the physical model was experimentally validated by Energyplus simulation of low temperature radiant model for radiantly cooled residential building. Lastly, a sensitivity analysis of occupant’s activity, clothing level and room air velocity had been carried out for four reference days.

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Pages: 10 p.


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  • Original title: Postizanje termalnog komfora implementacijom rashladnog sistema zracenjem u uslovima tropske klime: slucaj južnog Tajlanda.
  • Record ID : 30013551
  • Languages: English
  • Source: Zbornik radova. 45. Medunarodnikongres i izložba o grejanju hladenju i klimatizaciji./ Proceedings. 45th International congress and exhibition on heating, refrigeration and air conditioning (HVAC&R).
  • Publication date: 2014/12/03
  • Notes:

    Abstract in Serbian


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