IIR document
Analysis of non-stationary heat transfer in a cryogenic vessel with built-in assembly.
Number: 0023
Author(s) : KRUSHEL D., SULC R.
Process of filling of a cryostat with a massive heterogeneous built-in assembly with focus onto time of flooding was analysed both theoretically and experimentally. The cryostat is a pressure vessel with a multi-layer insulation under vacuum and a flat head, on which the inner assembly is fixed coaxially. The liquid inlet splits into accumulation and vapour generation, which goes back to the storage tank. Time of flooding of the assembly is limited by generation of vapour and gradual subcooling of elements of the assembly, as well as pressure drops in pipelines.
Mathematical model of progress of liquid height and thermal field in metallic parts during flooding is described. Analysis of the heat transfer between the boiling liquid and the assembly material showed, that the required height of liquid in the cryostat is reached sooner than the thermal equilibrium of the assembly is achieved. Simulation of the process requires application of non-stationary heat transfer method. The task was solved by a three stage integration in diameter, length and time by a finite element method. The distribution of thermal bridges (the inner vessel and the built-in assembly to intervals of unequal length, comprising dimensionally and materially homogeneous elements). Integration of vapour generation along the layers of the assembly influences the process importantly. Vapour generation is a function of dynamics of heat transfer in layers of the assembly as function of heat transfer coefficient liquid/metal and thermal conductivity, as cold is progressing through the material.
The results of the mathematical model were compared with the measured values from experiment using an alternative medium, liquid nitrogen, as well as with the data from operation with liquefied natural gas of an industrial plant.
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- Original title: Analysis of non-stationary heat transfer in a cryogenic vessel with built-in assembly.
- Record ID : 30029015
- Languages: English
- Source: Cryogenics 2021 online. Proceedings of the 16th IIR International Conference, October 5-7, 2021.
- Publication date: 2021/10/05
- DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18462/iir.cryo.2021.0023
- Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.
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