Carbon nanotubes: some potential applications related to adsorption on, confinement within and functionalisation of the graphene surface.

Author(s) : MCRAE E., VARLOT K., DUPONT-PAVLOVSKY N., et al.

Type of article: Article


After a brief reminder of some characteristics of carbon nanotubes, the authors present a few fields where applications can be envisaged: storage, gas separation and detection, making of quasi-1D cables, catalysis, chemical force microscopy and back-up or conducting elements in composite materials.


  • Original title: Carbon nanotubes: some potential applications related to adsorption on, confinement within and functionalisation of the graphene surface.
  • Record ID : 2002-1840
  • Languages: English
  • Source: Vide - vol. 56 - n. 300
  • Publication date: 2001


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