Chemical control of winter damaging fungi in cereals.

Author(s) : OLVANG H.

Type of article: Article


A review of the literature on control of winter damaging fungi in winter cereals has been carried out. The results differ considerably between areas, depending on winter conditions, and small differences were found between compounds in their effect on Microdochium nivale. Benzimidazole compounds had less effect on Septoria nodorum than mercury and guazatine. The effect is dependent on infestation level, type of preceding crop and winter conditions. It was found that the treatment effects are greater when the crop is well developed in the autumn, after cereals as the preceding crop and under more severe winter conditions. Resistance to MBC fungicides was discovered in 1982 and prochloraz and guazatine were tested as substitutes.


  • Original title: Chemical control of winter damaging fungi in cereals.
  • Record ID : 1992-2804
  • Languages: English
  • Source: Nor. J. agric. Sci. - suppl. n. 7
  • Publication date: 1992
  • Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.


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