Choice of refrigerating units for air conditioning systems.
Sur le choix des groupes frigorifiques dans les installations de conditionnement d'air.
Author(s) : TAKLA A.
Having defined the refrigerating load of the building being studied the air conditioning designer chooses the air conditioning system: "refrigeration", fluid transfer, air distribution and control system. This selection is based on safety and technical criteria. The paper defines the components of a refrigerating circuit and above all the compressors, and considers the possible choice to meet these criteria.
- Original title: Sur le choix des groupes frigorifiques dans les installations de conditionnement d'air.
- Record ID : 1993-2783
- Languages: French
- Subject: General information
- Publication date: 1993/01/13
- Source: Source: SFT, Journ. Etudes
8 p.; 4 ref. - Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.
Reclien '92. Ponencias II conferencia internaci...
- Organiser : Inst. Refrig. Clim.
- Date : 1992
- Languages : Spanish
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Preventing noise problems in air-cooled refrige...
- Author(s) : HARTMANN K.
- Date : 1995/09
- Languages : German
- Source: Kälte + Klimatechnik (Die) - vol. 48 - n. 9
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A method of increasing refrigerant capacity by ...
- Author(s) : JAMES R. W., DENG S. M.
- Date : 1992/02
- Languages : English
- Source: South Bank Polytech., Res. Memo. - n. 133
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Component selection for minimum cost of ownership.
- Author(s) : HUNDY G. F.
- Date : 1997/11/20
- Languages : English
- Source: Reducing refrigeration running costs: practical and cost effective solutions.
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La régulation progressive dans les circuits fri...
- Author(s) : HEGGLIN A.
- Date : 1993/05
- Languages : French
- Source: Rev. gén. Froid - vol. 83 - n. 933
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