Code of Conduct for carbon reduction in the retail refrigeration sector: rationale.

Author(s) : Carbon Trust, IoR, BRA

Type of monograph: Guide/Handbook, Booklet


This document was produced through the collaboration of the IOR, BRA and Carbon Trust. It sets out the carbon reduction technologies for retail refrigeration equipment that will be available in the short, medium and long term, and describes the carbon-saving potential of each one.
The Code comprises three parts: rationale, best practice guide and technical specification. Together, these documents outline the standards that retailers and contractors should be aspiring to reach. This is the first document in the series. Widespread adoption of the Code is projected to reduce CO2 emissions from retail refrigeration by around 20% over 5 years. It will also assist those companies adopting it in: adhering to regulatory requirements; meeting voluntary targets such as those set by the Consumer Goods Forum; and making significant financial cost savings.
Extract from the table of contents: a word from industry representatives; introduction to the Code of Conduct for carbon reduction in the retail refrigeration sector; why the Code is needed; summary and outline of next steps.


  • Original title: Code of Conduct for carbon reduction in the retail refrigeration sector: rationale.
  • Record ID : 30002365
  • Languages: English
  • Subject: Regulation, Environment
  • Publication: Carbon Trust - United kingdom/United kingdom
  • Publication date: 2010/03
