IIR document
Combined deficit irrigation and controlled atmosphere for keeping nutritional quality in peaches.
Number: pap. n. 11.5
Author(s) : FALAGÁN N., AGUAYO E., RAMÍREZ J. P., et al.
Water scarcity necessitates recourse to deficit irrigation strategies (DI) for optimizing its use while keeping quality of the obtained products. The effect of DI applied in two different strategies (DI 1 and DI2) on changes of total phenolic contents, antioxidant capacity and vitamin C of ‘Flordastar’ peaches was studied. Results were compared to a control watered at 120% evapotranspiration. After harvest, fruits were stored up to 14 days at 0ºC and 95% RH in air or in controlled atmosphere (CA; 3-4 kPa O2 and 12-14 kPa CO2), followed by 3 days at 15ºC in air (as a retail sale period). The total phenolics content was initially higher (55 mg GAE/100 g fw) and more stable throughout postharvest life in Control than in both DI peaches in which total phenolics increased from 35-39 mg GAE/100 g fw (initial) to 61-93 mg GAE/100 g fw after 14 days of cold storage. Both air-stored DI peaches reached higher levels of total phenolics content than those CA-stored. No significant differences were found in antioxidant capacity among irrigation treatments. Air-fruits showed a growing trend throughout the experiment, while CA-fruits showed an initial growing phase and then stabilized. Concerning vitamin C (ascorbic + dehydroascorbic acids; AA + DHA), initially control fruits showed higher AA than DHA content (5.43 vs. 1.28mg/100 g fw, respectively), while water stressed peaches showed the opposite situation (1.86 g AA/100 g fw vs. 2.43 g DHA/100 g fw for DI 1 and 3.97 g AA/100 g fw vs. 4.55 g DHA/100 g fw for DI2). A general decrease in vitamin C content throughout cold storage and shelf life for all treatments was found. As main conclusion, DI allowed an important water saving and provided peaches with good nutritional quality.
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- Original title: Combined deficit irrigation and controlled atmosphere for keeping nutritional quality in peaches.
- Record ID : 30006164
- Languages: English
- Source: 4th Jordanian IIR International Conference on Refrigeration and Air Conditioning. Proceedings: Amman, Jordan, September 10-12, 2012.
- Publication date: 2012/09/10
See other articles from the proceedings (28)
See the conference proceedings
Specialized cold stores;
Fruit - Keywords: Vitamin C; Controlled atmosphere; Nutritional value; Peach; Expérimentation; Cold storage; Fruit
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