IIR document
Comparison of different kinds of heat recoveries applied in adsorption refrigeration system.
Author(s) : PAN Q. W., WANG R. Z., WANG L. W.
Type of article: Article, IJR article
Heat recovery is an effective way to improve adsorption refrigeration system performance due to its easy realization and obvious improvement. Three kinds of heat recoveries (circular heat recovery is complete type and serial and passive heat recoveries are part type) have been applied in recent adsorption refrigerators. Theoretical analysis of three heat recovery methods has been done and results show that serial and passive heat recoveries (part type) are more optimal than circular heat recovery (complete type) when manufacture and cost are considered. Furthermore, a CFD model of a fin-tube type adsorber has been established and simulations of serial and passive heat recoveries have been done. The simulation results show that recovery time of passive heat recovery has an effective range whose value is approximately double of optimum recovery time. Thus, serial heat recovery is more reliable than passive heat recovery. Besides, Optimum recovery time of both serial and passive heat recoveries is approximately equal to the ratio of tube length to heating/cooling flow rate. Contribution distribution of recovered heat has also been analyzed. And the results show that contributions of fluid and tube regions are respectively 89%~94% and 5%~10% while contributions of adsorbent and fin regions are negligible.
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Pages: 37-48
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- Original title: Comparison of different kinds of heat recoveries applied in adsorption refrigeration system.
- Record ID : 30014604
- Languages: English
- Source: International Journal of Refrigeration - Revue Internationale du Froid - vol. 55
- Publication date: 2015/07
See other articles in this issue (18)
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