IIR document

Comparison on the cooling performance of mechanical draft dry cooling towers pre-cooled with nozzle spray and wet medium.

Author(s) : ZHAO C., WANG M., GAO Q., CHANG S., LIU Z., GENG Z., ZHANG S., HE S., QI J., HAN K., GAO M., SHI Y.

Type of article: IJR article


Evaporative pre-cooling can improve the cooling performance of a mechanical draft dry cooling tower (MDDCT) during hot periods. MATLAB iterative programs were developed to simulate a MDDCT, MDDCTs pre-cooled with nozzle spray and wet medium, a mechanical draft wet cooling tower (MDWCT). Cooling performance and water evaporation rate of the four cooling towers were studied based on the meteorological data of Hami, Xinjiang in 2020. Results show that: (1) twelve spray cases were studied and spray case 4 performs best to improve MDDCT’s heat rejection rate from 2.72 MW to 5.77 MW with 112.13 % improvement; (2) four media were studied including CELdek7060, PVC1200, Trickle125 and Trickle100, and 300 mm CELdek7060 performs best to improve MDDCT’s heat rejection rate from 2.72 MW to 4.66 MW with 71.32 % improvement; (3) case studies find that MDDCT pre-cooled with nozzle spray can improve its heat rejection rate all year round while pre-cooled with wet medium is only helpful from April to September; in the hottest month of July, the heat rejection rates of MDDCTs pre-cooled with nozzle spray and wet medium are improved by 67.11 % and 45.30 %, respectively; the water evaporation rate per MW of MDDCT pre-cooled with nozzle spray (i.e., 0.2197 (kg⋅s-1)⋅MW-1) is closed to the pre-cooling with wet medium (i.e., 0.2203 (kg⋅s-1)⋅MW-1), which is about 59.27 % of the MDWCT (i.e., 0.3707 (kg⋅ s-1)⋅MW-1). Considering both cooling and water evaporation performances, it is  recommended to use nozzle spray to pre-cool the MDDCT for performance improvement during periods of high temperature.

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Pages: p. 218-314


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  • Original title: Comparison on the cooling performance of mechanical draft dry cooling towers pre-cooled with nozzle spray and wet medium.
  • Record ID : 30032032
  • Languages: English
  • Subject: Technology
  • Source: International Journal of Refrigeration - Revue Internationale du Froid - Vol. 156
  • Publication date: 2023/12
  • DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijrefrig.2023.09.027


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