The frost-free refrigerator typically uses a bottom-placed calrod heater to remove frost on evaporator surface. However, the mismatch between full coverage of frost and bottom-up heat transfer extends defrost duration, and warm air intrusion into freezing cabinets (FCs) during defrosting leads to increased FC-temperature rise and overall energy consumption. Therefore, comprehensive measures were applied in this article to enhance defrost performance of the frost-free refrigerator. A special fan cover was adopted which opened during cooling cycles to supply cold air into cabinets normally, but closed during defrosting to block warm air intrusion passage. Moreover, an extra heater (60 W) was inserted in the middle height of the evaporator besides the original bottom one (180 W) to form better frost-heat match. Results show the fan cover and dual heaters altogether reduced defrost duration by 4.5 min and FC-temperature rise by 2.7 °C. Lower FC-temperature after defrost further declined energy consumption for the subsequent recovery cycle, which compensated for its increase for the defrost cycle and dominated the 1.2% reduction in overall energy consumption of the refrigerator. Both measures proved effective in enhancing defrost performance. However, the middle heater may affect cooling cycle performance of the refrigerator, necessitating further investigation.
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- Original title: Comprehensive measures to enhance electric heater defrosting (EHD) performance for household frost-free refrigerators.
- Record ID : 30027361
- Languages: English
- Source: International Journal of Refrigeration - Revue Internationale du Froid - vol. 111
- Publication date: 2020/03
- DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijrefrig.2019.12.002
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