Compressors: technological development and European market.
Compresseurs : évolutions technologiques et marché en Europe.
Author(s) : RAVEAU J. C., RIGOT G.
Type of article: Article
The main European suppliers of compressors, represented by an identity card, answered a questionnaire on their activity: type of distribution markets for their products, organization of their commercial network, hopes for the future of their activity. The new fluids and their impact on compressors, the different compressor ranges of the main manufacturers are outlined, indicating their efficiencies, noise level, control mode. This survey is concerned with all types and all capacities of refrigerating alternating, screw and scroll compressors, except centrifugal compressors.
- Original title: Compresseurs : évolutions technologiques et marché en Europe.
- Record ID : 1995-2202
- Languages: French
- Subject: Figures, economy
- Source: La revue pratique du froid et du conditionnement d'air - n. 796
- Publication date: 1994/05
- Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.
See the source
Refrigerating equipment: economics and statistics - Keywords: Manufacturer; Design; Substitute; Performance; World; Survey; Development; Refrigerant; Compressor
The world of compressors.
- Author(s) : STEFANUTTI U. V.
- Date : 1996/01
- Languages : Italian
- Source: Zero sotto Zero - vol. 5 - n. 1
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World compressor trends.
- Date : 2008/02/25
- Languages : English
- Source: JARN - n. 469-S
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Compressor world trends.
- Date : 2000/02/25
- Languages : English
- Source: JARN - n. 373-S1
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Pregled trenda razvoja rashladnih kompresora.
- Author(s) : WURM J.
- Date : 2007/11
- Languages : Serbian
- Source: IIF-IIR/KGH - vol. 36 - n. 4
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World compressor trends.
- Date : 2009/02/25
- Languages : English
- Source: JARN - spec. ed.; 1-88 (17 p.); fig.; phot.; tabl.
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