IIR document
Computing thermodynamic properties of ammonia–water mixtures using artificial neural networks.
Author(s) : GOYAL A., GARIMELLA S.
Type of article: Article, IJR article
Artificial neural networks (ANN) provide a computationally efficient pathway for solving complex non-linear problems. Cascaded ANN are used to compute thermodynamic properties of the ammonia–water mixture working-pair commonly used in vapor absorption heat pumps. Thermodynamic property routines can affect the accuracy and pose a significant computational bottleneck for steady-state and transient cycle simulations of ammonia–water. The properties computed using the proposed method agree within 0.5% of equation of state data over a wide range of operating parameters. It is observed that the ANN based property routines, developed as explicit functions, offer ~60% decrease in computational time over currently used property routines. As a case study, the property calculation modules developed using ANN are employed in simulating the dynamic response of a representative ammonia-water condenser for a vapor absorption cycle. The models predict the transient behavior accurately with an ~80% computational speedup compared to conventional property routines.
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Pages: 315-325
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- Original title: Computing thermodynamic properties of ammonia–water mixtures using artificial neural networks.
- Record ID : 30025639
- Languages: English
- Source: International Journal of Refrigeration - Revue Internationale du Froid - vol. 100
- Publication date: 2019/04
- DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijrefrig.2019.02.011
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