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  • Latest research on ammonia-based absorption refrigeration systems

    A recent article has reviewed literature on absorption chillers that use ammonia as a refrigerant, along with water (H2O), lithium nitrate (LiNO3), and lithium nitrate + water...

    • Publication date : 2021/02/25
    • Subjects: Technology
  • New energy-efficient way to make ammonia

    The traditional way of manufacturing ammonia leaves a huge carbon footprint. An Australian team of researchers have found a cheaper and greener way to make ammonia from air, water, and renewable electricity....

    • Publication date : 2021/02/08
    • Subjects: Environment, HFCs alternatives
  • Guide 2013: Natural Refrigerants - Market Growth for North America

    The new Guide 2013: Natural Refrigerants - Market Growth for North America gives an overview of the status of ammonia, CO2, hydrocarbons, water and air as refrigerants in various sectors (food chain, city & buildings, transport, and industry...

    • Publication date : 2013/05/06
  • Briefs: Sustainable fishery in Namibia

    Since November 2009, Hangana Seafood has a new pre-sorting facility in Walvis Bay harbour, Namibia, which uses ammonia as a refrigerant. The 2800 m² sorting facility has a 0°C chill room for holding unsorted fish, two 16°C temperature-controlled...

    • Publication date : 2011/02/04
  • CO2 applications: First hospital catering facility refrigeration system to run with CO2 in the UK

    A CO2 unit supplied by Green & Cool has been installed and commissioned by CCS Refrigeration, through Aggora on behalf of Medirest to provide for the on-site catering requirements of patients, restaurant and hospital staff at the Homerton...

    • Publication date : 2011/02/07
  • Marine refrigeration

    The use of natural refrigerants is gradually spreading. Here are two examples of their use in the marine sector: - Environmentally-friendly fish transport American Freedom is one of the world's largest refrigerated ships and can hold up to...

    • Publication date : 2007/11/20
  • Briefs: A comeback for Einstein’s fridge?

    Scientists at Oxford University have rebuilt one of Einstein's early inventions in an attempt to develop an environmentally friendly refrigerator that runs without electricity. They have built a prototype of a fridge patented in 1930 by Einstein...

    • Publication date : 2008/10/25
  • Compressors: key trends

    Over the past few years, the design and performance of rotary, reciprocating positive displacement and dynamic compressors have been greatly improved. CO2 compressors have conquered new niches and twin-screw compressors are now increasingly used...

    • Publication date : 2005/10/26
  • Sorption chillers

    Sorption chiller technology is rapidly developing, especially that using solar energy. - As highlighted by Jacob and Kohlenbach* during the latest IIR Gustav Lorentzen Conference on Natural Working Fluids in Sydney, in Europe, numerous new...

    • Publication date : 2011/02/07
  • Briefs: A CO2 secondary refrigerant system to test icebreakers

    Travelling through the North Pole's ice-capped seas could reduce sea transport distances between Hamburg and Osaka, Japan, or Shanghai, China, for instance, by more than 4000 nautical miles, thus allowing for great time and financial savings. The...

    • Publication date : 2009/02/25
  • Alternative Cooling Technologies conference, London, 1st February 2005

    This conference, which was co-sponsored by the UK Institute of Refrigeration and organised commercially by RAC magazine, was well attended with about 140 people present. It was arranged in five sessions. In the first session, speakers from UK...

    • Publication date : 2005/02/11
  • Capturing CO2 thanks to refrigeration

    Intensive research into capturing the CO2 created in fossil-fuel-based electricity production has been carried out for several years by Alstom. One of the technologies used is post-combustion separation using a solvent (amine or chilled ammonia)....

    • Publication date : 2008/02/12
  • Natural refrigerants in emerging countries: South Africa

    South Africa is facing an energy shortage and a rise in electricity prices. Natural refrigerants, which have important energy saving potential, are now being introduced, especially in supermarkets. Here are 2 examples: . GTZ has offered technical...

    • Publication date : 2010/03/07
  • Briefs: Optimized freight hub

    A new temperature-controlled freight hub in Christchurch International Airport, New Zealand, was opened by Hellmann Worldwide Logistics on March 12, 2009. "The facility has been predicated on environmental, efficiency and energy-conscious criteria...

    • Publication date : 2009/05/18
  • PCMs and ice slurries: PCMs: two recent applications

    Phase-change materials (PCMs) can provide thermal storage which means that they can absorb thermal energy when they solidify and release it when they melt. This can be very useful to dampen temperature swings. PCMs are usually water-based and are...

    • Publication date : 2007/02/12
  • Conference update: Ohrid

    The 3rd IIR event in a series, Ammonia Refrigeration Technology was held on May 7-9, 2009, in Ohrid, Macedonia. With 95 participants from 24 countries and 32 papers presented, the event was very successful. A key focus of this series of...

    • Publication date : 2009/05/27
  • News from IIR members: Nestlé

    Nestlé's confectionery production facility in Halifax, UK, has implemented an award-winning innovative ammonia heat pump plant to power its operations, cutting costs at the site by over 240 000 € per year. The system, formed by a collaborative...

    • Publication date : 2011/02/07
  • A new book on natural refrigerants

    The English version of a book by three German authors on the applications and practical recommendations of natural refrigerants has just been published by the IIR on its website. 

    • Publication date : 2023/09/22
    • Subjects: HFCs alternatives
  • Conference update: Sydney

    The 9th IIR Gustav Lorentzen Conference Natural Working Fluids will be held in Sydney, Australia, on April 12-14, 2010. The call for papers and first announcement are now available:

    • Publication date : 2009/05/18
  • 15th IIR-Gustav Lorentzen Conference, June 13-15, 2022: the detailed programme is now available!

    The detailed program of the 15th IIR Gustav Lorentzen Conference on Natural Refrigerants is now available online.

    • Publication date : 2022/05/16
    • Subjects: HFCs alternatives
  • Now available: IIR-Gustav Lorentzen Conference Papers 2022

    Download one or all of the 170 technical papers from the 15th IIR-Gustav Lorentzen Conference on Natural Refrigerants!

    • Publication date : 2023/05/02
    • Subjects: General information
  • Corporate members: news

    - During the IIAR's 2008 Ammonia Refrigeration and Conference, the first fundraising event, a golf tournament, was held in order to launch Ammonia Refrigeration Foundation actions. The recently formed foundation will promote charitable,...

    • Publication date : 2008/05/13
  • News from IIR members: Star Refrigeration

    Star Refrigeration has installed a highly efficient Azanechiller at a Scottish meat processing facility. The central pumped glycol system has a total cooling capacity of 365kW and includes pumps with variable speed drives, six ceiling...

    • Publication date : 2011/08/04
  • News from IIR members: Mayekawa

    Watch 3 videos on Mayekawa’s Web site: one deals with Mayekawa’s vision and philosophy, another covers activities at its Moriya plant, and the third one presents Mayekawa’s viewpoints on HCFC phase-out.Jan Boone describes the emphasis placed...

    • Publication date : 2012/04/24
  • IIR Member news: Star Refrigeration installs ammonia chillers in an indoor skiing facility

    After 90 years of existence, indoor skiing now uses modern and energy efficient technologies. Star Refrigeration participates in this evolution with its ammonia chillers.

    • Publication date : 2018/12/27
  • Activities of the IIR’s Commission B2 on Refrigerating Equipment

    The IIR’s Commission B2, which includes 70 experts from 25 IIR member countries on all continents, is extremely active and participates in many IIR activities aimed at promoting knowledge of refrigeration technologies and their applications...

    • Publication date : 2014/11/20
  • Gustav Lorentzen conference 2022

    After two years of pandemic during which the conferences were either cancelled or held online, the IIR had the pleasure of organising a conference on site, in Norway. It was attended by 332 participants. The...

    • Publication date : 2022/07/08
  • Another successful IIR Gustav Lorentzen conference 2016

    Dedicated to natural refrigerants, mainly ammonia, carbon dioxide and hydrocarbons, Gustav Lorentzen 2016 was a great success attracting over 270 people and more than 145 papers from leading international researchers and industrialists.

    • Publication date : 2016/09/14
  • Spotlight on Commission B2: at the forefront of refrigerating equipment

    Coordinated by the IIR Science and Technology Council, Commission B2 focuses on promoting knowledge of refrigerating equipment technologies and their applications worldwide.

    • Publication date : 2015/05/15
  • Technical visit to the Tokyo fish market

    At the ICCC conference last June, attendees had the opportunity to participate in technical visits, including a tour of the Tokyo fish market. Alain Le Bail, President of IIR Commission C2, joined the visit and...

    • Publication date : 2024/11/15
  • Ice cream manufacturing, environmental impact and market data

    From a physico-chemical point of view, ice cream is a complex, frozen multiphase mixture. The manufacturing process includes several stages of freezing which are described in this...

    • Last update : 2023/06/30
    • Langues : French, English
    • Themes : Ice creams
  • Liquefied Natural Gas: production process and cold energy recovery

    Liquefied natural gas (LNG) is natural gas that has been cooled to about -160 °C and turned into a liquid to facilitate transportation and storage. A typical LNG supply chain...

    • Last update : 2023/06/23
    • Langues : French, English
    • Themes : LNG and LPG
  • Nanorefrigerants

    Nanorefrigerants are created by adding nanoparticles in suspension to a base refrigerant. They have a thermal conductivity that is 15% to 104% higher than that of the corresponding...

    • Last update : 2022/06/17
    • Langues : English, French
    • Themes : Nanofluids