Development and test results of 5 kilovolts.ampère class superconducting linear induction motor (SLIM).

Author(s) : TSUKAMOTO O., TANAKA Y., OISHI K., et al.

Type of article: Article


The authors have developed a superconducting linear induction motor. The superconducting primary windings, three phases and three coils, are 205 mm long and 90 mm wide and put in liquid helium. The secondary conductor is a metal plate placed in the room temperature region. The SLIM was tested by applying 3 phase alternating current of 20-300 hertz. Maximum input was 13.5 kilovolts.ampère at 300 hertz and 225 ampères.tour of the primary winding current. Alternating current frequency dependencies of the quench current and the thrust were investigated.


  • Original title: Development and test results of 5 kilovolts.ampère class superconducting linear induction motor (SLIM).
  • Record ID : 1993-0031
  • Languages: English
  • Source: Cryogenics - vol. 30
  • Publication date: 1990/09


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