Development of 2-cylinder rotary compressor series for light commercial use with R410A.

Author(s) : KATO H., HASEGAWA M., MORISHIMA A., et al.


Since it is possible to achieve higher efficiency in an air conditioning system, the new refrigerant R410A has been chosen from the standpoint of global warming prevention. The load on the compression elements increases because of the operating pressure of R410A. By adopting the 2-cylinder rotary mechanism and optimizing the dimensions of the mechanical parts, the dynamic characteristics of the bearings could be made equivalent to those of a conventional compressor, and the authors were able to achieve high quality. This compressor series achieves 20% higher efficiency over a wide operating speed range and developed 33 to 50% less weight than conventional compressors. A new DC motor consists of a rotor with a rare-earth permanent magnet and a concentrated winding type stator.


  • Original title: Development of 2-cylinder rotary compressor series for light commercial use with R410A.
  • Record ID : 2003-1785
  • Languages: English
  • Source: 2002 Purdue conferences. 2002 compressor engineering & refrigeration and air conditioning conferences at Purdue [CD-ROM].
  • Publication date: 2002/07/16
  • Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.


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