Development of an energy impact model for RTU economizer faults.

Number: pap. 2310

Author(s) : HJORTLAND A., BRAUN J. E.


Stuck outdoor-air dampers can lead to significant energy waste when undetected for extended periods of time. This is especially true for rooftop air-conditioners (RTUs) where preventative maintenance may not be frequent or is only reserved for emergencies. Automated fault detection and diagnosis (AFDD) tools for outdoor-air dampers and economizers have been proposed to reduce the effort and cost of maintenance and are even required by some new building standards California Energy Commission (2012). While qualitatively, the effects of stuck outdoor-air damper faults are understood, less has been written about impacts these faults have on cooling cycle performance and actual energy usage over time. An investigation of the effects of improper outdoor-air fraction caused by a stuck outdoor-air damper with respect to cooling capacity, cycle efficiency, equipment run-time, and energy usage is presented. Fault impact ratios for equipment performance are derived and demonstrated with laboratory data. In addition, a methodology for fault impact evaluation is presented and example results are shown for several outdoor-air damper positions and ambient conditions. The resulting fault impact ratios and evaluation method could be embedded into an existing AFDD tool in order to aid in optimal maintenance scheduling.

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Pages: 11 p.


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  • Original title: Development of an energy impact model for RTU economizer faults.
  • Record ID : 30013263
  • Languages: English
  • Source: 2014 Purdue Conferences. 15th International Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Conference at Purdue.
  • Publication date: 2014/07/14


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