IIR document
Diffusion absorption refrigeration cycle analysis with low GWP refrigerants.
Number: 1141
Author(s) : LEE G., KIM G., KANG Y. T.
Many refrigerant/absorbent pairs such as ammonia/water and various HCFCs or HFCs with organic absorbents have been applied for diffusion absorption refrigeration(DAR) system. However, due to the toxicity and corrosiveness of ammonia and high GWPs of other refrigerants, this study focuses on applying low-GWP refrigerants as alternatives and executing a numerical simulation of the DAR system. R600a/n-Octane is used for the working fluids and helium is chosen as an auxiliary gas. The performance and minimum evaporation temperature characteristics are investigated with different generator temperatures in the range of 85℃-160℃. The effects of the total system pressure and the evaporation temperature are also considered as the key parameters. It was found that minimum evaporation temperature monotonically dropped as the generator temperature increased. However, the coefficient of performance(COP) reached its peak at a certain point and decreased when the generator temperature increased beyond a critical point. The highest COP was estimated 0.48 at the total system pressure of 3.5 bar and the generator temperature of 85℃.
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- Original title: Diffusion absorption refrigeration cycle analysis with low GWP refrigerants.
- Record ID : 30027664
- Languages: English
- Subject: HFCs alternatives
- Source: IIR Rankine Conference 2020.
- Publication date: 2020/07/31
- DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18462/iir.rankine.2020.1141
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