DTU 45.1. Building works. Thermal insulation of refrigerated buildings and of regulated temperature premises. 1. Contract bill of technical clauses. 2. Private contracts: special clauses.

DTU 45.1. Travaux de bâtiment. Isolation thermique des bâtiments frigorifiques et des locaux à ambiance régulée. 1. Cahier des clauses techniques. 2. Marchés privés : cahier des clauses spéciales.

Author(s) : AFNOR

Type of monograph: Standard/Recommendation


This document proposes specific technical and administrative clauses to be included when performing thermal insulation in refrigerated and controlled-ambience premises to be used to store products requiring temperature and/or humidity control, and in certain cases specific food-hygiene conditions complying with regulations.


  • Original title: DTU 45.1. Travaux de bâtiment. Isolation thermique des bâtiments frigorifiques et des locaux à ambiance régulée. 1. Cahier des clauses techniques. 2. Marchés privés : cahier des clauses spéciales.
  • Record ID : 2002-1149
  • Languages: French
  • Subject: Regulation
  • Publication: AFNOR - France/France
  • Publication date: 2001/10
  • ISSN: 03353931
  • Source: Source: NF P 75-401-1/NF P 75-401-2/P 75-401-1/P 75-401-2; 63 + 9 p. (21 x 29.7); fig.; tabl.; ref.; append.; EUR 61/ICS 27.200/ICS 91.120.10/ICS 97.130.20.
  • Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.