IIR document
Dual indirect cycle air conditioner uses heat concentrated desiccant and energy recovery in a polymer plate heat exchanger.
Author(s) : MCNAB J. L., MCGREGOR P.
This desiccant technology removes compressor-based air-conditioning's dependence on fossil fuel generated electricity, which wastes most of the fuel's energy as greenhouse gas. Electricity is limited to circulating air and minor liquids. Cooling and heating require only heat from gas, cogeneration or solar sources. Demand management is by storing desiccant. The system uses energy recovery and indirect evaporative cooling (IEC) in two polymer plate heat exchangers (PPHE) having fully separated flow passages. In the desiccant section, exhaust air is dried by concentrated liquid desiccant. Heat of moisture absorption and condensation is coincidently removed by IEC using outside air treated by the same process. Dried exhaust air then enters the water section, is wetted, and cools and dehumidifies, by IEC, supply air to provide ideal conditions in temperate and tropical climates. Uncooled dried exhaust air indirectly heats supply air in cold climates. The lithium chloride desiccant used is re-concentrated by 85 °C heated air in a third PPHE section. This technology potentially reduces greenhouse gas emissions, facilitates energy demand management, and its high ventilation rate maximises indoor air quality.
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- Original title: Dual indirect cycle air conditioner uses heat concentrated desiccant and energy recovery in a polymer plate heat exchanger.
- Record ID : 2005-2732
- Languages: English
- Source: 21st IIR International Congress of Refrigeration: Serving the Needs of Mankind.
- Publication date: 2003/08/17
See other articles from the proceedings (398)
See the conference proceedings
- Themes: Humidification/dehumidification equipment
- Keywords: Lithium; Design; Heat recovery; Air-air; Desiccant; Air conditioning; Heat exchanger; Plate exchanger; Chloride
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