Durable radiative cooling paints for reduced global greenhouse effect.
Author(s) : BARBER E.
Type of monograph: Master thesis
Recent developments in radiative cooling paints have shown significant promise towards commercialization of the technology. Therefore, questions have been asked as to how the durability of these paints could be evaluated and improved, as well as how these paints could impact energy use and global climate change. In this work, a paint formulation was developed using nanoplatelet hBN pigments with an MP-101 binder from SDC Technologies, Inc. This formulation shows similar reflective properties to that of an hBN acrylic formulation (97.5% and 97.9% reflectance, respectively) while boosting a water droplet contact angle of as much as 120°, proving hydrophobicity and therefore self-cleaning properties. Additionally, a comprehensive study was conducted to understand the potential impact of the radiative cooling paints on the changing global climate. Three potential impacts of the paint were discussed, including capture and utilization of CO2 into the CaCO3 paint, the reduction of HVAC usage on buildings painted with the RC paints, and net cooling of the earth due to the solar reflection and thermal emission of the paint into deep space. It was discovered that all three parts had a positive impact on the global climate, regardless of which US climate zone the representative building was in. Additionally, it was found that the paints could reduce as much as an equivalent 539 lbs CO2eq from the atmosphere for each m2 of the paint applied.
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Format PDF
Pages: 56 p.
- Original title: Durable radiative cooling paints for reduced global greenhouse effect.
- Record ID : 30033198
- Languages: English
- Subject: Technology
- Publication: Purdue University
- Publication date: 2023
- DOI: http://dx.doi.org/https://doi.org/10.25394/PGS.22666183.v1
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