Energy Districts in Colombia
Los distritos térmicos en Colombia
Author(s) : BAQUERO R., MARIACA C.
Type of monograph: Report
In Colombia, the use of air conditioning is a reality. Here, 74% of people live in cities. Of these, 80% require the use of air conditioning systems in their buildings. Cities allocate 8% of their electricity consumption to the use of these air conditioning systems. In addition, it is expected that by 2050 the global demand for air conditioning will increase by 350%.
Thanks to its climate diversity, the country has high potential for thermal districts.
With the entry into operation of the thermal district of La Alpujarra (centre of Medellín) in 2016, Colombia became the pioneer country in the region to adopt this sustainable air conditioning system, which has since brought cooling to different public buildings in this area of the city.
The planning and installation of this infrastructure, which was financed by EPM and the Swiss Embassy's Economic and Development Cooperation (Seco), has an installed capacity of 3,600 tonnes of refrigeration hour (TR-hour), and also marked a milestone in sustainable development for this type of complex in the country.
Available documents
Format PDF
Pages: 12 p.
- Original title: Los distritos térmicos en Colombia
- Record ID : 30032274
- Languages: Spanish
- Subject: Figures, economy, Technology, Environment
- Publication date: 2023/09/27
- External links:
District cooling and heating;
Air conditioning: economics and statistics;
Air conditioning: general information;
Energy efficiency, energy savings - Keywords: District cooling; Colombia; South america; Air conditioning; Energy efficiency; Energy consumption; CO2 emission; Urban environment; District heating
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