Energy consumption characteristic of office building HVAC&R systems: low-energy solution set.

Number: pap. 211

Author(s) : CHO J., SHIN S., KIM J.


HVAC&R systems are the most energy consuming building services, representing approximately half of the final energy use in the building sector. Despite their significant energy use, there is a lack of a consistent and homogeneous framework to efficiently guide research. This research is about the energy consumptions of HVAC&R systems with the aim of establishing a common idea for the analysis of building energy efficiency. Our approach deals with the concept of an HVAC&R set that is composed of subsystems. The matrix combination evaluation is examined and a total 960 sets can be implemented to large scale office building. The method as a tool for energy analysis of HVAC&R systems was developed for a unique energy map of each HVAC&R system. The objectives of this study were to provide a physical understanding of the factors which contribute to energy use by HVAC&R system and provide a baseline estimate of energy use.

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  • Original title: Energy consumption characteristic of office building HVAC&R systems: low-energy solution set.
  • Record ID : 30008974
  • Languages: English
  • Source: Clima 2013. 11th REHVA World Congress and 8th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality, Ventilation and Energy Conservation in Buildings.
  • Publication date: 2013/06/16


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