EuP (Energy-using-Products) preparatory study for the eco-design of commercial refrigerators and freezers (Lot 12).
Type of article: Article
In the context of the Directive on ecodesign of EuP of the European Commission, different product specific preparatory studies are in progress, including one on commercial refrigerators and freezers (Lot 12). Eco-design aims to improve the environmental performance of products throughout the life cycle by a systematic integration of the environmental aspects from the product design phase itself.
- Original title: EuP (Energy-using-Products) preparatory study for the eco-design of commercial refrigerators and freezers (Lot 12).
- Record ID : 2008-1648
- Languages: English
- Subject: Figures, economy, Regulation, Environment
- Source: Eurovent, Rev. - n. 100
- Publication date: 2007/09
See other articles in this issue (4)
See the source
Regulations and standardization (Montreal and Kyoto Protocols…);
Supermarkets, display cabinets;
Industrial, commercial and domestic refrigeration: economics and statistics;
Refrigerating equipment: economics and statistics - Keywords: Refrigerating system; Commercial application; Display cabinet; Design; Chilling; Recommendation; Statistics; Prediction; Market; Environment; Energy saving; Freezing
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- Languages : English
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- Formats : PDF
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