IIR document

Evaporation of R134a in a horizontal herringbone microfin tube: heat transfer and pressure drop.


Type of article: Article, IJR article


An experimental investigation of in-tube evaporation of R134a has been carried out for a 4 m long herringbone microfin tube with an outer diameter of 9.53 mm. Measured local heat transfer coefficients and pressure losses are reported for evaporation temperatures between -0.7 and 10.1 °C and mass flow rates between 162 and 366 kg/m2.s. Results from this work are compared to experimental results from literature as well as predicted values from some available helical microfin correlations. Differences in heat transfer mechanisms between helical and herringbone microfin tubes are discussed, as heat transfer coefficients in the investigated herringbone tube tend to peak at lower vapour qualities compared to helical microfins. Correlations developed for helical microfin tubes generally predict experimental values within plus or minus 30% for vapour qualities below 50%. However, at higher qualities none of the correlations are able to reflect the early peak of heat transfer coefficients. Predicted pressure gradients reproduce measured values in general within plus or minus 20%.

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Pages: 889-900


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  • Original title: Evaporation of R134a in a horizontal herringbone microfin tube: heat transfer and pressure drop.
  • Record ID : 2005-2497
  • Languages: English
  • Source: International Journal of Refrigeration - Revue Internationale du Froid - vol. 28 - n. 6
  • Publication date: 2005/09


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