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IIR document
Heat transfer during reflux condensation of R134a inside a micro-fin tube with different tube inclinations.
Condensation heat transfer of hydrocarbons inside a compact horizontal microfin tube.
Saturated R1234yf flow boiling inside a compact microfin tube.
R513A flow boiling heat transfer inside horizontal smooth tube and microfin tube.
R1224yd(Z) flow boiling inside a mini microfin tube.
The study of entropy generation during flow boiling in a micro-fin tube.
R513A condensation inside a small sized microfin tube.
Comparative analysis of microfin vs smooth tubes in R32 and R410A boiling.
Investigation on condensation heat transfer of R454C inside small diameter microfin tube.
R1234yf condensation inside a 3.4?mm ID horizontal microfin tube.
Condensation of R450A and R454B inside a compact microfin tube.
Evaporation heat transfer and pressure drop of R32 in a horizontal multiport tube with microfins.
Condensation Flow and Heat Transfer Characteristics of R410A in Micro-Fin Tubes and Three-Dimensional Surface Enhanced Tubes.
R1233zd(E) flow boiling inside a 4.3?mm ID microfin tube.
Modified flow pattern maps for flow boiling in horizontal micro-finned tubes considering the effect of helix angle.