IIR document
Experimental results for a hydraulic refrigeration system using n-butane.
Author(s) : CHAU D. S., RICE W., PHELAN P. E., et al.
Type of article: Article, IJR article
The hydraulic refrigeration system (HRS) is a vapor-compression system that accomplishes the compression and condensation of the refrigerant in a unique manner, by entraining refrigerant vapor in a down-flowing stream of water and utilizing the pressure head of the water to compress and condense the refrigerant. A multi-stage HRS was designed, fabricated, and tested using n-butane as the refrigerant. In general, both the refrigeration rate and the coefficient of performance (COP) increased with a corresponding decrease in the compression fluid temperature of the third and final stage. The refrigeration rate and COP were also found to increase with a corresponding increase in evaporator temperature. The predictions of an enhanced model incorporating two-phase hydraulic losses show excellent agreement with the experimental data with a maximum error of ±20%. The results of the experimental investigation indicate that the HRS offers an attractive and feasible alternative to conventional vapor-compression systems, especially in applications where direct-contact heat exchange in the evaporator is desirable.
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Pages: 325-337
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- Original title: Experimental results for a hydraulic refrigeration system using n-butane.
- Record ID : 30001904
- Languages: English
- Source: International Journal of Refrigeration - Revue Internationale du Froid - vol. 24 - n. 4
- Publication date: 2001/06
See other articles in this issue (4)
See the source
- Themes: Compression systems
- Keywords: Refrigerating system; Butane; Design; Compression system; Performance; Multistage system; Hydraulics
Characteristics of the hydraulic refrigeration ...
- Author(s) : RICE W., BEAKLEY G. C.
- Date : 1992
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- Source: Energy Conversion and Management - vol. 33 - n. 10
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- Author(s) : WHITFIELD K. L., WOOD B. D., CHAU D. S. C., JI L. J., RICE W., BEAKLEY G. C.
- Date : 1993/06/23
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- Source: Proceedings of the 1993 Non-Fluorocarbon Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Technology Workshop.
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Some experimental results for operation of a hy...
- Author(s) : WHITFIELD K. L., CHAU D. S. C., WOOD B. D., RICE W.
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- Languages : English
- Source: The 1994 International CFC and Halon Alternatives Conference. Stratospheric Ozone Protection for the 90's. Proceedings.
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- Date : 2002/11
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- Source: Rev. gén. Froid - n. 1028
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- Date : 1995/08/20
- Languages : English
- Source: For a Better Quality of Life. 19th International Congress of Refrigeration.
- Formats : PDF
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