Feasibility of CO2 compressors for light commercial appliances.

Author(s) : OLIVA A., PÉREZ-SEGARRA C. D., RIGOLA J., et al.

Type of article: Article


The aim of this work is to aid in the development of new reciprocating compressors for light commercial applications that use CO2 as the fluid refrigerant. First, a numerical analysis and experimental validation were developed and carried out, not only for laboratory compressor prototypes, but also for the whole transcritical CO2 cycles. The numerical comparative results present a reasonably good agreement and successfully allow the use of these numerical tools to improve the successive designs. Consequently, several compressor pre-industrial prototypes have been designed, validated, and improved. The experimental results against standard compressors show the possibilities that CO2 compressors offer in terms of efficiency and COP. Finally, an appliance test is presented to check the performance of the overall system and confirm the preliminary results obtained in the calorimeter tests. The appliance platform results prove the feasibility of these light commercial applications using R-744 as the fluid refrigerant. [Reprinted with permission from ASHRAE. Copyright, 2007].


  • Original title: Feasibility of CO2 compressors for light commercial appliances.
  • Record ID : 2007-2033
  • Languages: English
  • Source: HVAC&R Research - vol. 13 - n. 3
  • Publication date: 2007/05


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