Fewer internal discolorations in potatoes through warming.

Weniger innere Verfäbungen der Kartoffeln durch Anwärmen.

Author(s) : LEPPACK E.

Type of article: Article


Experience has shown that when cold-stored potatoes are warmed up to 15-20 deg C before further handling, they are much less vulnerable to bruising and internal discoloration. Some data are presented from tests in Germany with many varieties of potatoes over several years, in which their temperature was raised from 5 to 15 deg C. After warming up, the internal discolorations are reduced by 50-100%; the greatest effect is obtained by raising the temperature to 10-15 deg C, but susceptible batches (e.g. vulnerable varieties, or potatoes stored for a long time) should be warmed to 20 deg C. Power requirement was 10 kilowatthour per ton of potatoes. Temperature should not exceed 22 deg C. It is preferable not to warm up in the cold-store itself.


  • Original title: Weniger innere Verfäbungen der Kartoffeln durch Anwärmen.
  • Record ID : 1998-1054
  • Languages: German
  • Source: Kartoffelbau - vol. 46 - n. 1
  • Publication date: 1995


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