Firmness, colour and atmosphere inside the packages of minimally processed apple slices prepared at different times after harvest and packed under different conditions.

Consistenza, colore ed atmosfera interna di confezioni di mele di IV gamma a differenti intervalli dalla raccolta e diversamente condizionate.

Author(s) : SENESI E., PASTINE R.

Type of article: Article


Golden Delicious apples were purchased 2, 4 or 6 months after harvest, peeled, cored and each cut longitudinally into 8 slices then submitted to an antibrowning treatment. Samples weighing 200 g were sealed in a barrier plastic bag and conditioned in a normal atmosphere or a modified atmosphere composed of 95% nitrogen and 5% oxygen, in each case with or without an ethylene absorbent. Samples were then refrigerated at 3 deg C. Results are given.


  • Original title: Consistenza, colore ed atmosfera interna di confezioni di mele di IV gamma a differenti intervalli dalla raccolta e diversamente condizionate.
  • Record ID : 1999-1701
  • Languages: Italian
  • Source: Riv. Fruttic. Ortofloric. - vol. 59 - n. 11
  • Publication date: 1997


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