Flow characteristics of the motorized valve in an air-conditioning water system.

[In Chinese. / En chinois.]

Author(s) : SHEN L., MA W.

Type of article: Article


The article points out that the study of theoretic and working flow characteristics of the motorized valve is based on some preconditions, but these preconditions usually cannot be satisfied in an actual chilled water system, and the actual flow characteristics are also related to the type of the chilled water system and the location of the valve, so the actual flow characteristics of the motorized valve should be a range instead of a curve. It establishes four representative chilled water systems, and analyses the actual flow characteristics of each valve in these systems.

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Pages: 15-20


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  • Original title: [In Chinese. / En chinois.]
  • Record ID : 30004010
  • Languages: Chinese
  • Source: HV & AC - vol. 41 - n. 258
  • Publication date: 2011/12


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