Fresh Tunisian horticultural produce destined for export: storage and conditioning.

Produits agricoles tunisiens frais destinés à l'exportation : entreposage et conditionnement.

Author(s) : MOUGOU A.


Tunisian production of dates, citrus fruits and early season vegetables is discussed with reference to the limitations placed on handling and storage technology by the quantities produced for export. Reliance is placed on the individuality and intrinsic quality of produce to maintain a share in the export market.


  • Original title: Produits agricoles tunisiens frais destinés à l'exportation : entreposage et conditionnement.
  • Record ID : 1997-1539
  • Languages: French
  • Publication date: 1995
  • Source: Source: Proc. int. Symp. postharvest Physiol. Pathol. Technol. hortic. Commod., Agadir