Frozen fruit and vegetable market in Poland.
Rynek mrozonych owoców i warzyw w Polsce.
Author(s) : NOSECKA B.
Type of article: Article
Since the middle of the 90s, the production of frozen vegetables in Poland has been dynamically increasing. Recently, the share of export in the production of those preserves is falling due to the increasing consumption on the domestic market. Retail and export prices of frozen fruit are not showing any upward tendency, but the prices of frozen vegetables on the European and domestic market are increasing. In the nearest future, the production, consumption and prices of frozen vegetables are expected to show an upward tendency.
- Original title: Rynek mrozonych owoców i warzyw w Polsce.
- Record ID : 2009-0447
- Languages: Polish
- Subject: Figures, economy
- Source: Przemysl Spozywczy - vol. 62 - n. 9
- Publication date: 2008
See other articles in this issue (3)
See the source
- Themes: Economic data and statistics
- Keywords: Export; Consumption; Statistics; Quick-frozen food; Frozen food; Poland; Market; Vegetable; Import; Fruit
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- Source: Bull. CFCE, MIPS - n. 1
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- Source: Bull. CFCE, MIPS - n. 6
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