Presents the evidence for and against the various theories. Explains why one theory - the impact of increases of trace atmospheric gases - has come to dominate the debate. Discusses how economists have contributed to the debate and suggests how policy makers should respond.
- Original title: Global warming: apocalypse or hot air?
- Record ID : 1995-3256
- Languages: English
- Subject: Environment, General information
- Source: Inst. econ. Aff. - 54 p.; 2 fig.; 2 tabl.
- Publication date: 1994
See the source
Ecological responses to recent climate change.
- Author(s) : WALTHER G. R., POST E., CONVEY P., et al.
- Date : 2002/03/28
- Languages : English
- Source: Nature - vol. 416 - n. 6879
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Causes of twentieth-century temperature change ...
- Author(s) : TETT S. F. B., STOTT P. A., ALLEN M. R., et al.
- Date : 1999/06/10
- Languages : English
- Source: Nature - vol. 399 - n. 6736
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Facing the global environment challenge: a prog...
- Author(s) : OORG, World Bank
- Date : 1994/10
- Languages : English
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Changement climatique : attention au glacier de...
- Date : 1997/05/23
- Languages : French
- Source: Rev. polytech. - n. 1604
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Leads, lags and the tropics.
- Author(s) : DUNBAR R. B.
- Date : 2003/01/09
- Languages : English
- Source: Nature - vol. 421 - n. 6919
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