Guide to Good Leak Testing.

Author(s) : Institute of Refrigeration, Carbon Trust

Type of monograph: Guide/Handbook, Booklet


REAL Zero is a project managed by the Institute of Refrigeration, working with the Carbon Trust. The project offers practical assistance to everyone involved in purchasing, designing, installing, servicing, maintaining and owning refrigeration equipment to help them reduce leaks.
Contents: why leaks matter; leak testing; getting the best from your electronic leak detector; pressure testing to find leaks; leak test procedure; reducing leakage and common leak points; refrigerant charging; records; F Gas record sheet; useful information.


  • Original title: Guide to Good Leak Testing.
  • Record ID : 30002498
  • Languages: English
  • Publication: The institute of refrigeration - United kingdom/United kingdom
  • Publication date: 2009/01