Heat generation and cooling optimization of the superconducting coils for JT-60SA.

Author(s) : KAMIYA K., MURAKAMI H., KIZU K., et al.

Type of article: Article


In the JT-60SA project, the JT-60U tokamak is replaced with a full superconducting tokamak. The helium refrigerator cools the superconducting coils by circulating supercritical helium of 4.4 K and 0.6 MPa in the circulation loop at certain mass flow rates. In this paper, the authors attempt to optimize the mass flow rate in the superconducting coils to satisfy a temperature margin of 1 K.


  • Original title: Heat generation and cooling optimization of the superconducting coils for JT-60SA.
  • Record ID : 30000899
  • Languages: Japanese
  • Source: Journal of the Cryogenic Society of Japan - vol. 46 - n. 1
  • Publication date: 2011


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