Heat transfer characteristics of boiling phenomenon in flooded refrigerant evaporators.

Author(s) : BROWNE M. W., BANSAL P. K.

Type of article: Article


The paper presents an overview of the heat transfer characteristics of shell and tube flooded evaporators and boiling on the outside of tubes and tube bundles. In the process over 80 papers are reviewed. Theoretical models for predicting the heat transfer coefficients on single tubes and tube banks are highlighted. The advantages and disadvantages of these approaches are shown. Historically, flooded evaporators have been designed with pool boiling data for single tubes which is inherently inaccurate due to the large enhancement from rising vapour bubbles in tube banks. The application of forced convection boiling models is still tentative and requires further investigation.


  • Original title: Heat transfer characteristics of boiling phenomenon in flooded refrigerant evaporators.
  • Record ID : 2001-0056
  • Languages: English
  • Source: Applied Thermal Engineering - vol. 19 - n. 6
  • Publication date: 1999/06


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