Heat transfer during boiling in flooded evaporators: new findings and status of calculation methods.

Wärmeübergang beim Sieden in Überfluteten Kältemittel Verdampfern: neue Ergebnisse und Stand der Berechnungsmethoden.


The paper presents the current status of research, citing recent works which have obtained preliminary results. Research is now occupied with analysing local heat transfer phenomenon in relation to bubble formation, relating that to general heat transfer measurements, and, in the medium term, developing a method to calculate heat transfer efficiency of evaporators. In the short term, practical applications must continue to rely mostly on empirical calculation methods.


  • Original title: Wärmeübergang beim Sieden in Überfluteten Kältemittel Verdampfern: neue Ergebnisse und Stand der Berechnungsmethoden.
  • Record ID : 2000-0123
  • Languages: German
  • Source: DKV-Tagungsbericht 25. 1998, Würzburg.
  • Publication date: 1998/11/18
  • Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.


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